OGC API - Features Implementation statusΒΆ

OGC API - Features


Implementation status

Part 1: Core


Passes compliance tests

Part 2: Coordinate Systems by Reference


Passes compliance tests

Part 3: Filtering


Implemented an earlier draft, being updated to final (no CITE tests yet)

Common Query Language (CQL2)


Implemented an earlier draft, being updated to final (no CITE tests yet)

Part 4: Create, Replace, Update and Delete


Not implemented (volunteers/sponsoring wanted)

Part 5: search

Proposal DRAFT

A search endpoint for complex queries is implemented at the single collection level (POST to immediately get a response, no support for stored queries).

Part 6 - Schemas

Proposal DRAFT

Not implemented (volunteers/sponsoring wanted)

Part n: Query by IDs

Proposal DRAFT

Proposal implemented, but syntax and semantic is subject to change in a future release. Thus said, usage should be carefully considered.


DRAFT in github

Partial implementation borrowed by OGC API Records, using the sortby parameter. Sortables are not exposed.