.. _install_sphinx: Installing Sphinx ================= In order to work with Sphinx and generate the HTML/PDF documentation you will need the following: * `Python 3 `_ * `pip3 `_ (Package Installer for Python, included with Python) To optionally make PDF documentation you will need the following: * `LaTeX `_ installation with full extensions (in order to build PDF documentation). For more details, see :ref:`install_latex`. Windows ------- #. Download and install Python 3. Though there are various distributions and versions, the `official versions `_ have been tested and work as expected. Put :command:`python` in your Path. To do so, go to :menuselection:`Control Panel --> System --> Advanced --> Environment Variables`. Look for ``PATH`` among the system variables, and add the installation locations to the end of the string. For example, if :command:`python` is installed in :file:`C:\\Python` add the following to the end of the string: .. code-block:: bat ...;C:\Python Confirm availability of Python 3: .. code-block:: bash python --version #. Open a command line window and run: .. code-block:: bat cd doc\en pip3 install -r requirements.txt #. Confirm availability with: .. code-block:: bat sphinx-build --version sphinx-autobuild --version #. To test for a successful installation, in a command line window, navigate to your GeoServer source checkout and run: .. code-block:: bat mvn clean -f doc/en install This is the same as running: .. code-block:: bat cd doc\en ant user ant docguide ant developer This should generate HTML pages in the :file:`doc\\en\\target\\user\\html` directory. Ubuntu ------ .. note:: These instructions may work on other Linux distributions as well, but have not been tested. #. Open a terminal and type the following command: .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get install python-dev build-essential pip Depending on your system this may trigger the installation of other packages. Confirm availability of Python 3: .. code-block:: bash python --version #. Install Sphinx using :command:`pip`: .. code-block:: bash cd doc/en pip3 install -r requirements.txt #. Confirm availability with: .. code-block:: bash sphinx-build --version sphinx-autobuild --version #. To test for a successful installation, navigate to your GeoServer source checkout and run: .. code-block:: bash mvn clean -f doc/en install This should generate HTML pages in the :file:`doc/en/target/user/html` directory. Mac OS X -------- Installing Sphinx on macOS is nearly identical to installing Sphinx on a Linux system. #. Example using `homebrew `__ package manager: .. code-block:: bash brew install python Confirm availability of Python 3: .. code-block:: bash python --version #. Use ``pip`` or ``pip3`` to install :command:`sphinx` and related tools: .. code-block:: bash cd doc/en pip3 install -r requirements.txt #. Confirm availability with: .. code-block:: bash sphinx-build --version sphinx-autobuild --version #. To test for a successful installation, navigate to your GeoServer source checkout and run: .. code-block:: bash mvn clean -f doc/en install