Cite Test Guide

A step by step guide to the GeoServer Compliance Interoperability Test Engine (CITE).

Check out OGC CITE suite tests


The CITE suite tests are available at Open Geospatial Consortium.


CITE automation tests with docker

How to run the CITE Test suites with docker.



The CITE tools are available in the build/cite folder of the GeoServer Git repository:

Set-up the environment

  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone
  2. Go to the cite directory.

    cd geoserver/build/cite
  3. Inside you will find a structure, like below, with a list of directories which contains the name of the suites to run.

    |-- forms
    |-- geoserver
    |-- wcs10
    |-- wcs11
    |-- wfs10
    |-- wms11
    |-- wms13
    |-- wfs11
    |-- ogcapi-features10
    |-- interactive
    |-- logs
    |-- docker-compose.yml
    |-- postgres
    `-- Makefile

Running the suite tests

There are 2 ways to run the suites. One is running with make that will automate all the commands, and the second one is running the test through WebUI:

  1. Running it through Makefile:

    • run make in the console, it will give you the list of commands to run.

    • the output will look like this:

      # Main targets in suggested order:
      war:                                           Build the geoserver.war file to use for testing and place it in ./geoserver/geoserver.war
      build:         suite=<suite>                           Build the GeoServer Docker Image for the Environment.
      test:  suite=<suite>                           Run the Test Suite with teamengine and GeoServer on docker compose.
      clean:                                         Clean the Environment of previous runs.
      # Additional helper targets:
      test-localhost:  suite=<suite>                 Run the Test Suite against a local host GeoServer instance (
      test-external:  suite=<suite> iut=<landing URL>        Run the Test Suite against a GeoServer instance at a provided URL
      version:  suite=<suite>                                Print the version of the GeoServer on the current docker.
      ogcapi-features10-localhost:                   Shortcut for make test-localhost suite=ogcapi-features10
      start:  suite=<suite> [services=<s1 s2..>]     Start the docker composition for suite. Optionally limit which services.
      stop:                                          Shuts down the docker composition. Deos not remove logs/
      print-services:  suite=<suite>                 Print the service names and docker images used for a given suite
      webUI:                                                 Start teamengine in interactive mode for the OWS services (excludes ogcapi services).
    • Choose which test to run, this is an example:


      The first Docker build may take a long time.



      Valid values for the suite parameter are:
      • wcs10

      • wcs11

      • wfs10

      • wfs11

      • wms11

      • wms13

      • ogcapi-features10

    • Build the geoserver.war file to test against :

      make war
  2. Build the GeoServer Docker image set up to run a specific test suite

    • To clean the local environment.

      make clean
    • To build the GeoServer Docker image locally.

      make build suite=<suite-name>
    • Alternative, specify a war_url variable to fetch the geoserver.war from an URL:

      make build suite=<suite-name> war_url=<url-or-the-GeoServer-war-file-desired>

    The war_url can point to a .war or .zip file containing the .war like in

    • To run the suite test.

      make test suite=<suite-name>
    • To run the full automate workflow.

      make clean build test suite=<suite-name>

Run CITE Test Suites on a local PC


I assume that you have a standalone GeoServer running.


Details to consider when you are running the tests:

  • The default username/password for the teamengine webUI are teamengine/teamengine.

  • the default URL for the teamengine webUI is http://localhost:8888/teamengine/

  • The output of the old suite tests might not appear in the Result page. So you should click on the link below detailed old test report, to get the full report. Ex.

../_images/old-report.png ../_images/full-report.png
  • Since you are running teamengine inside a container, the localhost in the URL of GeoServer for the tests can’t be used, for that, get the IP address of the host where the GeoServer is running. You will use it later.

  • after you log in to teamengine webUI you have to create a session.

  • to run the tests you have to choose which one you want, and then click on Start a new test session. This is an example:



  • GeoServer running.

  • PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension installed. (only for the WFS Tests Suites)

  • Teamengine Running in docker container.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Change directory to the cite

    cd geoserver/build/cite
  3. Check the commands available:

    • Run make to check:

    • you should get an output as following:

    clean: $(suite)          This will clean the Environment of previous runs.
    build: $(suite)          This will build the GeoServer Docker Image for the Environment.
    test: $(suite)           This will run the Suite test with teamengine.
    webUI: $(suite)          This will run the Suite test with teamengine.

Run WFS 1.0 tests


Running WFS 1.0 tests require PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension installed in the system.


  • GeoServer running

  • teamengine

  • PostgreSQL

  • PostGIS

  1. Prepare the environment:

    • login to PostgreSQL and create a user named “cite”.

    createuser cite;
    • Create a database named “cite”, owned by the “cite” user:

    createdb cite own by cite;
    • enter the database and enable the postgis extension:

    create extension postgis;
    • Change directory to the citewfs-1.0 data directory and execute the script cite_data_postgis2.sql:

    cd <path of GeoServer repository>
    psql -U cite cite < build/cite/wfs10/citewfs-1.0/cite_data_postgis2.sql
    • Start GeoServer with the citewfs-1.0 data directory. Example:


    If the PostgreSQL server is not on the same host as the GeoServer, you have to change the <entry key=”host”>localhost</entry> in the datastore.xml file, located inside each workspace directory. ex.


    <path of GeoServer repository>/build/cite/wfs10/citewfs-1.0/workspaces/cgf/cgf/datastore.xml

    cd <root of GeoServer install>
    export GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=<path of GeoServer repository>/build/cite/wfs10/citewfs-1.0
  2. Start the test:

    make webUI
  3. Go to the browser and open the teamengine webUI.

    • click on the Sign in button and enter the user and password.

    • after creating the session, and choosing the test, enter the following parameters:

    1. Capabilities URL http://<ip-of-the-GeoServer>:8080/geoserver/wfs?request=getcapabilities&service=wfs&version=1.0.0

    2. Enable tests with multiple namespaces tests included


Run WFS 1.1 tests


Running WFS 1.1 tests requires PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension installed in the system.

Requirements: - GeoServer - teamengine - PostgreSQL - PostGIS

  1. Prepare the environment:

    • login to PostgreSQL and create a user named “cite”.

    createuser cite;
    • Create a database named “cite”, owned by the “cite” user:

    createdb cite own by cite;
    • enter to the database and enable the postgis extension:

    create extension postgis;
    • Change directory to the citewfs-1.1 data directory and execute the script dataset-sf0-postgis2.sql:

    cd <path of GeoServer repository>
    psql -U cite cite < build/cite/wfs11/citewfs-1.1/dataset-sf0-postgis2.sql
    • Start GeoServer with the citewfs-1.1 data directory. Example:


    If the PostgreSQL server is not on the same host as the GeoServer, you have to change the <entry key=”host”>localhost</entry> in the datastore.xml file, located inside each workspace directory. ex.


    <path of GeoServer repository>/build/cite/wfs11/citewfs-1.1/workspaces/cgf/cgf/datastore.xml

    cd <path of GeoServer install>
    export GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=<path of GeoServer repository>/build/cite/wfs11/citewfs-1.1
  2. Start the test:

    make webUI
  3. Go to the browser and open the teamengine webUI.

    • click on the Sign in button and enter the user and password.

    • after creating the session, and choosing the test, enter the following parameters:

    1. Capabilities URL http://<ip-of-the-GeoServer>:8080/geoserver/wfs?service=wfs&request=getcapabilities&version=1.1.0

    2. Supported Conformance Classes:

      • Ensure WFS-Transaction is checked

      • Ensure WFS-Locking is checked

      • Ensure WFS-Xlink is unchecked

    3. GML Simple Features: SF-0


Run WMS 1.1 tests

  1. Prepare the environment:

  • Start GeoServer with the citewms-1.1 data directory. Example:

cd <root of GeoServer install>
export GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=<path of GeoServer repository>/build/cite/wms11/citewms-1.1
  1. Start the test:

    make webUI
  2. Go to the browser and open the teamengine webUI.

    • click on the Sign in button and enter the user and password.

    • after creating the session, and choosing the test, enter the following parameters:

    1. Capabilities URL


    2. UpdateSequence Values:

      • Ensure Automatic is selected

      • “2” for value that is lexically higher

      • “0” for value that is lexically lower

    3. Certification Profile : QUERYABLE

    4. Optional Tests:

      • Ensure Recommendation Support is checked

      • Ensure GML FeatureInfo is checked

      • Ensure Fees and Access Constraints is checked

      • For BoundingBox Constraints ensure Either is selected

    5. Click OK

    ../_images/tewms-1_1a.png ../_images/tewms-1_1b.png

Run WCS 1.0 tests

  1. Prepare the environment:

  • Start GeoServer with the citewcs-1.0 data directory. Example:

cd <root of GeoServer install>
export GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=<path of GeoServer repository>/build/cite/wcs10/citewcs-1.0
  1. Start the test:

    make webUI
  2. Go to the browser and open the teamengine webUI.

    • click on the Sign in button and enter the user and password.

    • after creating the session, and choosing the test, enter the following parameters:

    1. Capabilities URL:


    2. MIME Header Setup: “image/tiff”

    3. Update Sequence Values:

      • “2” for value that is lexically higher

      • “0” for value that is lexically lower

    4. Grid Resolutions:

      • “0.1” for RESX

      • “0.1” for RESY

    5. Options:

      • Ensure Verify that the server supports XML encoding is checked

      • Ensure Verify that the server supports range set axis is checked

    6. Schemas:

      • Ensure that The server implements the original schemas from the WCS 1.0.0 specification (OGC 03-065 is selected

    7. Click OK

    ../_images/tewcs-1_0a.png ../_images/tewcs-1_0b.png ../_images/tewcs-1_0c.png

Run WCS 1.1 tests

  1. Prepare the environment:

  • Start GeoServer with the citewcs-1.1 data directory. Example:

cd <root of GeoServer install>
export GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=<path of GeoServer repository>/build/cite/wcs11/citewcs-1.1
  1. Start the test:

    make webUI
  2. Go to the browser and open the teamengine webUI.

    • click on the Sign in button and enter the user and password.

    • after creating the session, and choosing the test, enter the following parameters:

    1. Capabilities URL:


    Click Next


Run WMS 1.3 tests

  1. Prepare the environment:

  • Start GeoServer with the citewcs-1.3 data directory. Example:

cd <root of GeoServer install>
export GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=<path of GeoServer repository>/build/cite/wms13/citewms-1.3
  1. Start the test:

    make webUI
  2. Go to the browser and open the teamengine webUI.

    • click on the Sign in button and enter the user and password.

    • after creating the session, and choosing the test, enter the following parameters:

    1. Capabilities URL:


    2. UpdateSequence Values:

      • Automatic checked

    3. Options:

      • Ensure BASIC is checked

      • Ensure QUERYABLE is checked

    Click OK


Run OGC Features 1.0 tests

Newer test suites like the ogcapi-features10 one, are executed by calling teamengine’s REST API, with a teamengine Docker image provided by OGC (see Using the REST API section on the teamengine’s user guide).

As a result of the test run, a logs/testng-results.xml file will be generated, and a human readable summary of test failures, if any, will be printed to the console.

Run with the locally built .war

Make sure you’ve prepared the geoserver.war as instructed above with make war.

make clean build test suite=ogcapi-features10

If there are test errors, a human readable summary will be printed to the console, similar to this:

test-method: verifyCollectionsPathCollectionCrsPropertyContainsDefaultCrs
description: Implements A.1 Discovery, Abstract Test 2 (Requirement /req/crs/fc-md-crs-list B), crs property contains default crs in the collection objects in the path /collections
depends-on-groups: crs-conformance
status: FAIL
exception: Collection with id 'sf:restricted' at collections path /collections does not specify one of the default CRS '' or '' but provides at least one spatial feature collections
Request URI:

test-method: verifyCollectionsPathCollectionCrsPropertyContainsDefaultCrs
description: Implements A.1 Discovery, Abstract Test 2 (Requirement /req/crs/fc-md-crs-list B), crs property contains default crs in the collection objects in the path /collections
depends-on-groups: crs-conformance
status: FAIL
exception: Collection with id 'sf:roads' at collections path /collections does not specify one of the default CRS '' or '' but provides at least one spatial feature collections
Request URI:

Passed: 2153
Failed: 9
Skipped: 96
make[2]: *** [validate-testng-results] Error 1
make[1]: *** [test-rest] Error 2
make: *** [test] Error 2

Either way, both the teamengine and geoserver containers will keep on running.

Run make clean to shut them down and clean up the logs/ directory.

Test a GeoServer instance external to the docker composition

Since teamengine runs as a Docker container, in order to reach out to a GeoServer instance running on the host, it needs a Landing Page URL that points to the host network. In docker there’s a special IP address for that purpose,, as long as the container is running on the default docker bridge network. Check out the docker [docs](Networking with standalone containers) for more info.


In the following examples, some make targets receive an iut parameter with the URL of the OGC Features API landing page to test, external to the teamengine’s container network. By default, for Linux systems, use the IP address. However, if you’re running the tests on MacOS, replace it with the host.docker.internal hostname instead. This difference exists because on Linux, Docker creates a bridge network where the host is accessible via On MacOS, Docker Desktop for Mac runs containers within a virtualization layer, which changes the networking model. As a result, host.docker.internal is used to enable containers to access the host.

For the case of the ogcapi-features10, you can simply run

make ogcapi-features10-localhost

And it’ll print out

Running the ogcapi-features10 test suite with the teamengine REST API against

The ogcapi-features10-localhost target is a special case of test-external, which assumes the most common case of GeoServer running on localhost:8080.

During development or troubleshooting, you might want to either use a different GeoServer port, or test only a specific workspace or feature type. For that you can use a custom iut (Instance Under Test) URL for the test-external make target. For example, to hit a GeoServer instance running on the host at port 9090, and address only the sf:archsites layer, you can use a iut URL combining the IP address and GeoServer’s /sf/archsites virtual service:

make test-external suite=ogcapi-features10 iut=""

And it’ll print out

Running the ogcapi-features10 test suite with the teamengine REST API against

Finally, run

make clean

to stop the docker composition and clean up the logs/ directory, or

make stop

to just shut down the docker composition wihtout cleaning up the logs/ directory.