Multiple layers in the same CSS

As most of the examples in this documentation show, styling is typically done on a single layer. When the style is associated to a layer, the first UserStyle found in the style sheet is used.

However, it’s also possible to create a style with multiple layers, and then use the “style group” functionality to create a layer group with the layers mentioned in the style.

For example, a style duplicating the Tasmania sample layer group could look like this (usage of the Flat mode is recommended):

@mode 'Flat';

topp:tasmania_state_boundaries {
  fill: #66FF66;
  stroke: black;

topp:tasmania_water_bodies {
  fill: #4040C0;
  stroke: black;

topp:tasmania_roads {
  stroke: #AA3333;
  stroke-width: 2;

topp:tasmania_cities {
  mark: symbol(circle);
  mark-size: 6;
  :mark {
    fill: white;
    stroke: black;
    stroke-width: 2;

The style can be previewed while editing by enabling the “preview as style group” option in the style editor.


The style group can then be used to form a layer group, by using the “add as style group” link in the layer group editor:
