Release Testing Checklist

A checklist of things to manually test for every release.

Artifact size

The binary release of GeoServer should be somehere around 45 - 46 megabytes.



These are no longer available in GeoServer 2.0, we’ll probably reinstate them later

To do the demo page, http://localhost:8080/geoserver/, and test all of the demos. This includes:

  • WFS-T demo

  • GeoRSS demo with Google Maps, Virtual Earth, and Yahoo Maps

  • WMS Overlay demo

  • WMS Example

Sample requests

Go to the sample request page, http://localhost:8080/geoserver/web/?wicket:bookmarkablePage=:org.geoserver.web.demo.DemoRequestsPage, and execute every sample request, ensuring the correct response for each request.

Map preview

  1. Go to the map preview page,

  2. Click the OpenLayers link next to nurc:ArcSample

  3. Go back to the map preview and click the GeoRSS item in the drop down choice next to topp:states

  4. Go back to the map preview and click the OpenLayers link next to topp:states.

  5. Enable the options toolbar and specify the CQL filter:



  1. Go back to the map preview and click the KML link next to topp:states

  2. Open the result in Google Earth

  3. Zoom out as far as possible and notice the smaller states (on the east coast) disappear.

  4. Close Google Earth


    If you do not shut down Google Earth it will cache information and throw off the next steps.

  5. Go to the feature type editor page for the topp:states feature type

  6. Change the KML Regionating Attribute to “SAMP_POP” and change the KML Regionating Strategy to “external-sorting”:

    .. image:: states_kml_config.png
  7. Submit and Apply changes

  8. Go back to the map preview page and again click the KML link next to topp:states, opening the result in Google Earth

  9. Zoom out as far as possible and notice the smaller population states (green) disappear

  10. Go back to the map preview page and click the KML link next to nurc:Img_Sample, opening the result in Google Earth

  11. Zoom in and notice tiles load

  12. Follow the link http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms/kml?layers=topp:states&mode=refresh , opening the result in Google Earth

  13. Notice the KML reload every time the camera is stopped

  14. Edit the description template for the states layer as follows:

    This is the state of ${STATE_NAME.value}.
    <img src="${STATE_ABBR.value?lower_case}_fi.gif"/>
    For more information visit <a href="${STATE_NAME.value}">Wikipedia</a>
  15. Refresh the KML by moving the camera and click on a placemark

  16. Append the parameter “kmscore=0” to the above link and open the result in Google Earth

  17. Notice the rasterized version of the KML

  18. Follow the link http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms/kml?layers=topp:states&mode=download , saving the result to disk.

  19. Examine the file on disk and notice a raw dump of all placemarks for the layer.


  1. Go the geowebcache demo page, http://localhost:8080/geoserver/gwc/demo

  2. Click the EPSG:4326" link for ``topp:states

  3. Zoom in and notice the tiles load.

  4. Repeat steps 2 to 3 for EPSG:900913