Supported versions

The module supports

Installing SAP HANA support

GeoServer has no built-in support for SAP HANA. You can enable SAP HANA support by adding the HANA GeoTools module and the HANA JDBC driver to your GeoServer installation.

Installing the HANA GeoTools module

Identify the GeoTools version your GeoServer installation is using by navigating to the webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib/ folder in your GeoServer installation and locating the file gt-jdbc-<version>.jar as shown in the image below. In the example below the GeoServer version is 22.0.


Finding the GeoTools version

Download the GeoTools archive with the version used by GeoServer from the GeoTools website. You need the geotools-<version> file. Copy the gt-jdbc-hana-<version>.jar file to the webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib/ folder of your GeoServer installation.


Locating the GeoTools HANA module

Installing the HANA JDBC driver

Browse to the SAP Development Tools website and download the JDBC component to the webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib/ folder of your GeoServer installation.


Downloading ngdbc.jar from the SAP Development Tools website

Afterwards restart your GeoServer instance.

Adding a SAP HANA database

After both modules have been installed, SAP HANA will show up as an option when creating a new data store.


HANA in the list of vector data sources

Configuring a SAP HANA data store


Configuring a SAP HANA data store

The following options are relevant for SAP HANA:


The machine name or IP address to connect to.


The port to connect to. If set and different from 0, the parameters instance and database are ignored. If not set or 0, the instance parameter must be set.


The instance to connect to. This parameter is ignored if a port is set. The instance field is at the bottom of the configuration form in case you have difficulties locating it.


The database to connect to. Leave empty in case of single-container databases. Set to SYSTEMDB to connect to the system database of a multi-container database. This parameter is ignored if a port is set.


The database schema to access. If left blank, the user-specific database schema is accessed.


The database user used to connect to the database.


The password used to connect to the database.

use ssl

If checked the TLS/SSL cryptograhic protocol is used to establish a secure connection with the database.