Automation with the administration REST API

The OpenSearch module supports full automation REST API that can be used to create collections, ingest products and eventually their granules. The full API is available at this URL:

In general terms, one would:

  • Create a collection, along with description, thumbnail, metadata, OGC links

  • Then create a product, along with description, thumbnail, metadata, OGC links

  • Finally, and optionally, specify the granules composing the product (actually needed only if the OpenSearch subsystem is meant to be used for publishing OGC services layers too, instead of being a simple search engine.

Understanding the zip file uploads

The description of a collection and product is normally made of various components, in order to expedite data creation and reduce protocol chattines, it is possible to bulk-upload all files composing the description of collections and products as a single zip file.

Collection components

A, sent as a PUT request to rest/collections would contain the following files:






The collection attributes, matching the database structure (the prefixes are separated with a colon in this document)



The HTML description for the collection



The metadata for the collection, in ISO format

thumbnail.png, thumbnail.jpg or thumbnail.jpeg


The collection thumbnail



The list of OWS links to OGC services providing access to the collection contents (typically as a time enabled layer)

Product components

A, sent as a POST request to rest/collections/<theCollection>/products would contain the following files:






The product attributes, matching the database structure (the prefixes are separated with a colon in this JSON document)



The HTML description for the product



The metadata for the collection, in O&M format

thumbnail.png, thumbnail.jpg or thumbnail.jpeg


The collection thumbnail



The list of OWS links to OGC services providing access to the product contents (typically, a specific time slice in the collection layer, but other organizations are possible too)



The list of actual files making up the product, along with their bounding boxes, file location and eventual band name, for products splitting bands in different files. Could be a single file, a list of files split by area, or a list of files representing the various bands of a multispectral product.

It is also possible to send the zip file on the rest/collections/<theCollection>/products/<theProduct> resource as a PUT request, it will update an existing product by replacing the parts contained in the file. Parts missing from the file will be kept unchanged, to remove them run an explicit DELETE request on their respective REST resources.

Template variable expansion

Some of the metadata/HTML description can embed simple templating variables that GeoServer will expand while generating output. Here is a description of the variable, and where they can be used





The server “base url”, typically “protocol://host:port/geoserver”, which can be used to save links that can easily migrate between different environments (e.g. test vs production)

OGC links, original package location download links (for products), HTML descriptions for products and collections


The link to a collection ISO metadata (GeoServer will point at a URL returning the metadata saved in the database)

A collection HTML description


The link to a product O&M metadata (GeoServer will point at a URL returning the metadata saved in the database)

A product HTML description


The link to a collection ATOM representation, as returned by OpenSearch

A collection HTML description


A link to the product quicklook (GeoServer will point at a URL returning the quicklook saved in the database)

A product sample image

Usage of the API for search and integrated OGC service publishing

In this case the user intend to both use the OpenSearch module for search purposes, but also to publish actual mosaics for each collection.

In this case the following approach should is recommended:

  • Create a collection via the REST API, using the ZIP file POST upload

  • Create at least one product in the collection in the REST API, using the ZIP file POST upload and providing a full granules.json content with all the granules of said product

  • Post a layer publishing description file to /oseo/collection/{COLLECTION}/layers to have the module setup a set of mosaic configuration files, store, layer with eventual coverage view and style

A collection can have multiple layers:

  • Getting the /oseo/collection/{COLLECTION}/layers resource returns a list of the available ones

  • /oseo/collection/{COLLECTION}/layers/{layer} returns the specific configuration (PUT can be used to modify it, and DELETE to remove it).

  • Creation of a layer configuration can be done either by post-ing to /oseo/collection/{COLLECTION}/layers or by put-int to /oseo/collection/{COLLECTION}/layers/{layer}.

The layer configuration fields are:




The workspace that will contain the store and layer to be published


The name of the layer that will be created


A boolean value, true if the underlying granule table has the “band” column populated with values, meaning the product bands are split among different files, false if a single product is stored in a single file


A boolean value, indicating if the products in the collection share the same CRS (false) or are expressed in different CRSses (true)


A boolean value, indicating if the products are associated to a single time (false) or have have a time range of validity (true)


The list of bands used in this layer (to be specified only if “separateBands” is used)


An array of 1 or 3 band names used to create the default display for the layer


The identifier of the CRS used by the mosaic (must match the granules table one)


A flag indicating if the layer is considered the default one for the collection (thus also appearing at /oseo/collection/{COLLECTION}/layer

The layer configuration specification will have different contents depending on the collection structure:

  • Single CRS, non band split, RGB or RGBA files, time configured as an “instant” (only timeStart used):

        "workspace": "gs",
        "layer": "test123",
        "separateBands": false,
        "heterogeneousCRS": false,
        "timeRanges": false
  • Single CRS, multiband in single file, with a gray browse style, product time configured as a range between timeStart and timeEnd:

        "workspace": "gs",
        "layer": "test123",
        "separateBands": false,
        "browseBands": ["test123[0]"],
        "heterogeneousCRS": false,
        "timeRanges": true
  • Heterogeneous CRS, multi-band split across files, with a RGB browse style (“timeRanges” not specified, implying it’s handled as an instant):

        "workspace": "gs",
        "layer": "test123",
        "separateBands": true,
        "bands": [
        "browseBands": [
            "VNIR[0]", "VNIR[1]", "SNOW"
        "heterogeneousCRS": true,
        "mosaicCRS": "EPSG:4326"

In terms of band naming the “bands” parameter contains coverage names as used in the “band” column of the granules table, in case a granule contains multiple bands, they can be referred by either using the full name, in which case they will be all picked, or by using zero-based indexes like BANDNAME[INDEX], which allows to pick a particular band.

The same syntax is meant to be used in the browseBands property. In case the source is not split band, the browseBands can still be used to select specific bands, using the layer name as the coverage name, e.g. “test123[0]” to select the first band of the coverage.