Cite Test Guide

A step by step guide to the GeoServer Compliance Interoperability Test Engine (CITE).

Check out CITE tools

The CITE tools are available at The README file contains the most update documentation of how to checkout and build the tools. The quick version is:

git clone git://
cd geoserver-cite-tools
git submodule update --init
mvn clean install

Run WFS 1.0 tests


Running WFS 1.0 tests require PostGIS to be installed on the system.

  1. Create a PostGIS user named “cite”:

    createuser cite
  2. Create a PostGIS databased named “cite”, owned by the “cite” user:

    createdb -T template_postgis -U cite cite
  3. Change directory to the citewfs-1.0 data directory and execute the script cite_data.sql:

    psql -U cite cite < cite_data.sql
  4. Start GeoServer with the citewfs-1.0 data directory. Example:

    cd <root of geoserver install>
    export GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=<root of geoserver sources>/data/citewfs-1.0
  5. Change directory back to the cite tools and run the tests:

    ant wfs-1.0

    With the following parameters:

    1. Capabilities URL

    2. All tests included


Run WFS 1.1 tests


Running WFS 1.1 tests require PostGIS to be installed on the system.

  1. Create a PostGIS user named “cite”:

    createuser cite
  2. Create a PostGIS databased named “cite”, owned by the “cite” user:

    createdb -T template_postgis -U cite cite
  3. Change directory to the citewfs-1.1 data directory and execute the script dataset-sf0.sql:

    psql -U cite cite < dataset-sf0.sql
  4. Start GeoServer with the citewfs-1.1 data directory. Example:

    cd <root of geoserver install>
    export GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=<root of geoserver sources>/data/citewfs-1.1
  5. Change directory back to the cite tools and run the tests:

    ant wfs-1.1

    With the following parameters:

    1. Capabilities URL

    2. Supported Conformance Classes:

      • Ensure WFS-Transaction is checked

      • Ensure WFS-Xlink is unchecked

    3. GML Simple Features: SF-0


Run WMS 1.1 tests

  1. Start GeoServer with the citewms-1.1 data directory.

  2. Change directory back to the cite tools and run the tests:

    ant wms-1.1

    With the following parameters:

    1. Capabilities URL

    2. UpdateSequence Values:

      • Ensure Automatic is selected

      • “2” for value that is lexically higher

      • “0” for value that is lexically lower

    3. Certification Profile : QUERYABLE

    4. Optional Tests:

      • Ensure Recommendation Support is checked

      • Ensure GML FeatureInfo is checked

      • Ensure Fees and Access Constraints is checked

      • For BoundingBox Constraints ensure Either is selected

    5. Click OK

    ../_images/tewms-1_1a.jpg ../_images/tewms-1_1b.jpg

Run WCS 1.1 tests

  1. Start GeoServer with the citewcs-1.1 data directory.

  2. Change directory back to the cite tools and run the tests:

    ant wcs-1.1

    With the following parameters:

    1. Capabilities URL:

    Click Next

  3. Accept the default values and click Submit


Run WCS 1.0 tests


The WCS specification does not allow a cite compliant WCS 1.0 and 1.1 version to co-exist. To successfully run the WCS 1.0 cite tests the wms1_1-<VERSION>.jar must be removed from the geoserver WEB-INF/lib directory.

  1. Remove the wcs1_1-<VERSION>.jar from WEB-INF/lib directory.

  2. Start GeoServer with the citewcs-1.0 data directory.

  3. Change directory back to the cite tools and run the tests:

    ant wcs-1.0

    With the following parameters:

    1. Capabilities URL:

    2. MIME Header Setup: “image/tiff”

    3. Update Sequence Values:

      • “2” for value that is lexically higher

      • “0” for value that is lexically lower

    4. Grid Resolutions:

      • “0.1” for RESX

      • “0.1” for RESY

    5. Options:

      • Ensure Verify that the server supports XML encoding is checked

      • Ensure Verify that the server supports range set axis is checked

    6. Schemas:

      • Ensure that original schemas is selected

    7. Click OK

    ../_images/tewcs-1_0a.jpg ../_images/tewcs-1_0b.jpg

Teamengine Web Application

The Teamengine web application is useful for analyzing results of a test run. To run the web application execute:

ant webapp

From the cite tools checkout. Once started the web app will be available at:

To run on a different port pass the -Dengine.port system property to ant command.