Implementing a REST PathMapper

In this section is described how to implement a new RESTUploadPathMapper sub-class. A RESTUploadPathMapper object is used for mapping the path of the uploaded files following new remapping policy. An example could be a Regular Expression remapping based on the input file name.

This is the RESTUploadPathMapper interface:

 * Plugin interface used to transform the position of files during rest uploads
public interface RESTUploadPathMapper{
         * Remaps the position of a store path. The implementor is free to append, modify
         * or replace the store root directory, REST upload will append workspace/store to
         * it
         * @throws IOException
        public void mapStorePath(StringBuilder rootDir, String workspace, String store,
                Map<String, String> storeParams) throws IOException;

         * Remaps the position of a file inside a store (e.g., a image being harvested into
         * a mosaic. The implementor is free to alter the item path.
         * @throws IOException
        public void mapItemPath(String workspace, String store,
                Map<String, String> storeParams, StringBuilder itemPath, String itemName) throws IOException;


Each implementation must follows these rules:

  • Remapping of the Root Directory requires to create a final root of the following structure:

  • Developers can choose both the relative path of the file (if it is inside a zip directory structure) and the filename itself.

  • File remapping cannot return directories.

  • If additional parameters are required, they can be stored inside the Metadata Map of the Global, WorkSpace or Store settings.

The steps for creating a new RESTUploadPathMapper implementation are:

  1. Extend the base implementation RESTUploadPathMapperImpl and create the desired PathMapper.

  2. Configure it as a Spring Bean inside the applicationContext. For example:

    <bean id="ECQLRUPathMapper" class="">
      <constructor-arg ref="catalog"/>

If any optional parameter requires to be configured, then a GUI panel must be created using Wicket. The panel will be added to the Global and WorkSpace Settings configuration page.

The steps for creating the GUI panel are:

  1. Creation of a new extension of the SettingsPluginPanel class.


    Note that this panel must extract the parameters from the Metadata Map of the settings object.

  2. Definition of a Spring Bean which will be an instance of the SettingsPluginPanelInfo class and will have the class defined above as component class (priority property can be avoided). For example:

    <bean id="restECQLSettingsPanel" class="">
      <description>This bean adds the necessary form fields to REST Settings</description>
      <property name="id" value="restECQLSettingsPanel"/>
      <property name="titleKey" value="restECQLsettings"/>
      <property name="componentClass" value=""/>
      <property name="priority" value="1"/>
  3. Then the result will be added at the bottom of the GeoServer Global Settings and Edit WorkSpace Pages:
